FHB Writing Group


The Fat Hill Brewing Writing Group meets every first Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM until about 8 PM.  (Optional social hour starts at 5:30 PM before the meeting if you'd like to just come to chitchat before our more formal meeting.)  We have so many genres, experience levels, and ages represented.  There's been so many great discussions so far since the group started.  

The format of the Writing Group meeting changes from month to month but in general we first discuss a few writing samples from Writing Group members, and then discuss some element of craft that was decided on the month before.  Before the meeting ends, we figure out who is interested in submitting writing samples for next time and if there's a writing craft topic everyone is interested to learn more about (for example, goal/motivation/conflict, setting, confusing punctuation, etc.).  Most of the communication for the group is done via email, so please email molly@fathillbrewing.com to be added to the email list if you're interested.  (It's usually about 3 emails a month.)  It's best you get on this email list before attending a meeting so you can have already read the writing samples for that month.

We are a super casual, positive-reinforcement kind of group.  Some of us are actively working on writing projects, others just like to read and are interested in meeting other bookish people in north Iowa.  Fiction, non-fiction, screen writing, play writing, poetry  -  published or non-published  -  whatever you're in to, we'll take you!  This is a really creative, welcoming group.  Seriously, we are not scary.  Just a bunch of fun nerds.  Anyone 21+ is welcome to attend.  No purchase at the bar is necessary to participate.  Come out of your writing cave and join us! If you'd like to join the group just email molly@fathillbrewing.com.

About writing samples

If you'd like to submit a writing sample for the group to discuss, email it to Molly at FHB (molly@fathillbrewing.com) before midnight a week and one day before the next meeting.  She will email out the whole packet to the whole group the day after so the group will have that whole week to read the submissions.  In order to avoid millions of emails to the group, Molly is going to be strict about that submission deadline.  

Submissions should be up to 10 pages double spaced and no longer, please, since a few people will be submitting each month.  If your submission comes from the middle of a larger piece, it might be good to include a paragraph of introduction to get people into the story.  If your piece has explicit content, please say so at the top as some of our members might want to pass on that.  Trigger warnings are also sometimes helpful with sensitive material.

We created a Facebook group for the members to share little things or links or whatever they'd like in between meetings.  Here's the link to that:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/FHBwriting/