Halloween 2022 Staff Voting

Hi gang! There were tons of costumes last night but only a few official costume contest entries which makes it a little easier for us. Here are the contenders:

  1. Wizard of Oz group

  2. Zombies, Viking, Marie Antionette, and Post Malone (?)

  3. Rip and Beth Dutton from Yellowstone

  4. the creepy little girls from the Shining

  5. Wonder woman and friend

  6. Tim the toolman Taylor and Al from Home Improvement

  7. the “Dillinger gang”. These folks did not officially enter the contest but I think they just forgot, and I have their contact info so we could put them in the running if we wanted.

Please let me know if you have a vote for a winner by Monday at 10 a.m. please. I am leaning towards the wizard of Oz group or Dillinger group but would love to hear thoughts!

Also, huge shoutout to Taylor and Jen who went all out on their amazing costumes and crushed a busy busy shift last night. :)
